Fibonacci Benchmark will measure your device's performance. The program calculates the 46th Fibonacci number in the Fibonacci sequence. Fibonacci sequence are the numbers characterized by the fact that every number after the first two is the sum of the two preceding ones. Example: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21... The calculation of the numbers takes some time and faster processing power will do it faster. That's how the program will measure your device's performance. The end result is in seconds and lower score is better. After calculating the result if you are connected to the internet you will see the calculated time of other users and you can compare it with your time. On older and slower devices the test can take over a minute or two. Do not use your device while the result is calculating or the measured data will be wrong.
斐波纳契基准将测量设备的性能。该程序计算在Fibonacci序列中的第46个斐波纳契数。斐波纳契数列是其特征在于,前两个后每隔数是两个前述者的总和的数量。实施例:1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ...的数量的计算需要花费一些时间和更快的处理能力会做得更快。这是该方案将如何衡量设备的性能。最终的结果是用秒和较低的分数是更好的。计算的结果,如果你连接到互联网后,您会看到其他用户的计算时间,你可以用你的时间进行比较。在老年人和慢的设备测试可以接管一两分钟。不要使用您的设备,同时将结果计算或测量的数据将是错误的。